plato atlantis location
Again, Paradise is shown in India, near the Himelayas (Upper Center) indicated by Adam and Eve and the Serpent of Eden. And many Greek traditions tell of the connection between the Arabian Sea and the Casprian, fruitlessly sought by Sesoatris, Darius and Others. World knowledge down to the times of Plato (428-348BC) and Herodotus (484-420BC) is summarized in the map of Fig.1 below, due to Hecateus. There can be no doubt that both anthors are talking of an Eastern Gades, in the Indian Ocean. The Four Lokapãlas are Indra (East); Varuna (West); Yama (South) and Kubera (North). The Guardians are also subdivided into eight – India, Agni, Yama, Sürya, Varuna, Vãyu, Kubera, Soma – each pair of twing guarding one of the Cardinal Directions. The debate on the existence of Atlantis is still far from over. The Caspian Sea ( upper right) is shown connecting with the Ocean. Perhaps, the same Gädhi we identified with Bombay. de Camp, Lost Cont.,219; Brit 81,7:1037). Platon described the great capital of Atlantis, which … It conforms in every detail to the description of Atlantis recorded in Plato's Atlantis Dialogues. Likewise, the Ocean mentioned by Plato can only be the Indian Ocean, identified in Plato’s time with the Atlantic Ocean. d) India is right in front of the Gulf of Aden and the Bab-el-Mandeb, precisely as Plato asserts. Diese Angabe mussten die Priester genau wissen, da Solon … After re-reading Plato's texts, the Russian team thought that the lost island was located at Little Sole Bank, a sand bank south west of … The Location. But the term island (nesos) has to be clearly understood before one is able to correctly interpreted the thought of ancients mythographers and geographers. But many still maintained the idea that Atlantis was located in India. As we said, the Greeks of Herodotus and Plato’s time utlerly ignored the regions outside Gibraltar, for the Phoenicians closely guarded the secrets of their maritime discoveries. The Greeks followeed these opinions…. Revolusi Bahasa dan Asas Tamadun Siri 4Pembentang: Prof. Dr. Solehah Yaacob(Pensyarah Bahasa Arab dan Kesusasteraan UIAM) Moderator: Sdra. His report is reasonably accurate, through confined to England and France. Its delta is an important oceess to East India and is, like the Gujaräta, an excellent pasture for cattle. But he died before he could complete his dream. Usual expressions were epeiros (“surrounding land”); ge peran tou Okeanou (“land around the Ocean”); pasan epeiron ten peri ton alethinon Ekeinon panton (the whole encircling land beyond that true sea). Obviously, Ireland is an island in the Atlantic with an ancient people, language, and culture. But it seems that the cataclysm exceed all imaginable sounds, and canght up with them and the Greeks even in the farawy Mediterranean. The Atlantis story is clearly a parable: Plato's myth is of two cities which compete with each other, not on legal grounds but rather cultural and political confrontation and ultimately war. So, Plato’s knowledge of the Atlantic region was only by hearsay, as no Greek had ever travelled the region till after his death. 3) The geohraphy of the Erythraean perfectly fits the one of Atlantis, whereas that of the Atlantic does not at all. However, some philosophers, historians, and geographers have considered Plato’s story as truth.The debate over the Atlantis remained relatively quiet until 1882 wh… One of these seems to be the Tigris but the other is the Indus as identicated by the lurge delta (the Ramn of Kutch) and given that the Euphrates is distinctly show to the west of the Tigris. 3 In the Argonautica and in the Odyssey these Central Guardians are equated to Scylla and Charybdis, posted at the narrow strait of the Cyanean Rocks ( or Symplegades) right at the entrance of Paradise (Aeaea) and Hell (Hades). But before we engage in the exgesis of the above text proper, let us make a few preliminary remarks. We discovered the location of Atlantis utilizing non-traditional scientific studies. These are the critical ones for location. This placement had become standard already in the time of the Greeks and Romans, as attested by Plutarch, Pliny, and others. Plato's - Atlantis The Palm Dubai; Plato's - Atlantis The Palm, Palm Jumeirah; Get Menu, Reviews, Contact, Location, Phone Number, Maps and more for Plato's - Atlantis The Palm Restaurant on Zomato Serves Cafe. They were posted first by he Atlanteans and, later, by their sucessors, the Phoenicians and later, bay their sucessors, the Phoenicians and the Carthaginians. The direct crossing of the Erythrean (Indian Ocean) from the Red Sea into India was first done by the Greek Hippalos at the start of the 1st. The other two rivers of Paradise that run towards the last and rise near the Indus can only be the Ganger and the Brachrmaputra. Atlantis is a fictional island that was first described by Plato some 2,400 years ago. Bild von Platos Lounge at Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island: photo0.jpg - Schauen Sie sich 5.407 authentische Fotos und Videos von Platos Lounge at Atlantis Resort an, die von Tripadvisor-Mitgliedern gemacht wurden. The place is also called Ramêsvare and is one of the most sacred tirthas (“fords”) or places of pilgrimage in India. 685–733), O’Connell, discussing the passage Criti. So, according to Herodotus, who introduced the terminology, the Atlantic and the Erythraean are one and the same sea. Another possible location of the Atlantis is Malta, considering its location on the dividing line between eastern and western Mediterranean Sea. The Five Pillars were posted according to Table I (see). In reality Plato was using … century BC, when they sent the expedition led by Hanno and Himilco, the first toward the south, the second twards the north. The island nation was alleged to be an imperial superpower in the ancient world, possessing over 10,000 chariots and a large number of bulls and elephants. We have locate at least there ancient Gades: the Western one at Gibraltar; the Northern one at the Bosphorus; the Central one at Bombay. This island was larger than than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, from which you might pass to the opposite continent which wholly surrounds the true Ocean. (Fig.3). Moreover, Bombay is the main city of the Gujarät region, and Gujarät derives from gu-järat or ox-ford. Likewise for the Atlantic Ocean. Many other Medieval also knew that Paradise lay in India (the “Orient”) precisely as affirmed in Genesis; and many of them identified Atlantis to the Biblical Paradise. With reference to Fig.1. This pair of Pillars – which should not be confused with the Pillar of Heaven (Mt. Alexander had cleared up the problem of the Nile sources almost a millenniwn before the time of Cosmas but, as we see, the legend survived this fact. The Fifth and the Central gate – the Gate of Paradise – is guarded by the fifth pair of Twins; Shiva and Umã.3 These two Guardians or Chembs also correspond to Hercules and Atlas, the Greek names of the Guardians of Paradise. Deutsch de ATLANTIS - VINETA . It was their disregard of Plato’s own words that led then to look for Atlantis in the wrong places, as we now show.The terms utilized by Plato have a precise geographical meaming, which must be taken into consideration if one really wants to find the site of Atlantis. This strait is called Adam’s Bridge or Räma’s Bridge (Räma-setu), the famous bridge built by Räma in order to attaek Lankä with his army. Bevor du dir die Verortung anschaust, kannst du dir zunächst einmal wieder die Geschichte von Atlantis auf den Seiten ‘Heute’ – ‘Gizeh’ – ‘Platon’ – ‘Donnelly’ – ‘Blavatsky’ – und ‘Hancock’ – auffrischen. So, in the ancient view – either on fact or purely mythical – we have four straits connecting the Mediterranean to the Outer Ocean: one on the West (Gibraltar); one at the South (Bab-el-Mandeb, at the exit of the Red Sea); the Cimmerian Bosphorus (at the Sea of Azov) at the North; the Persian Gulf at the west (Ormuz Strait). In seinem Buch Atlantis – The antediluvian World (dt. This marshy region is called Ghãt-Kopãr – a term that derives from ghät-kopäl or “ford of the cowherds” or, other words, the same as Gades or Oxford. Atlantis has been placed in numerous locations on the Earth, from the island of Santorini to South America, to the middle of the Atlantic and numerous other places and yet not a single one of the works that have been written about the island of Atlantis which were examined during research have taken into account all of the references supplied by Plato. The idea of a flat earth floating on an immense ocean seems to have originated with Thales of Miletus (fl. At the height of its power, Atlantis was, as Plato described, "an island which was larger than Libya and Asia together," by which he meant the ancient Libyan domain and Asia Minor. 1 Thales conception is derived from Oriental Sources (Babylorian, Egyptian and Hindu) which confused mytical beliefs with the reality. ), Peri Tecnon. Pytheas expedition took place after Plato’s death (in 348BC ), so that, of course, this newly acquired information could be of no use to the great philosopher. We are, hence, left with the regions outside the Mediterranean Basin, and those beyond Asia Minor and Cimmeria. The Cimmerian Bosphorus was the strait of Kertch linking the Sea of Azov (Palus Maeotis) to the Black Sea (Pontus Euxinus). The highly stylized maps of Cosmas have been ridiculed by many, who fail to understand their imitiatic character. We also have, of course, the Gades of Spain (Cadiz); the Agadir (Ha Gadin) of Marocco; the Kadesh (or Gades), the Holy or Biblical farme; the Cadi (modern Gédiz) of Asia Minor; the Gadara (Mkés) of Palestine; the Gadrosia (of Gedrosia) of the Balischitan coast; the Gates of Gaul; the Kades (Kedes) of Palestine, where Tobias was born; etc., etc.. The Oceanus which encircled the earth was composed of the Atlantic plus the India. Thera is where most researchers believe Atlantis was once located, of course if you believe in the story of Platon. Alexander was taught of “the four gulfs of the Ocean that linked to the Mediterranean, and the Persians connect their desert – which they call Lot’s Desert (Dasht-i-Lut) – to the cataclysm that destroyed Sodon and Gomorrah. “Army” and “herd” are synonymous in Sanskrit (gana), and Räma’s Bridge is a Bosphorus, if not in name, at least in legend. Now, the Egyptians were wholly unfamiliar with the Mediterranean and, even more, the Atlantic. In the usinal accounts, the last two Guardians are Nir-riti and Ïsãnï. The Eastern one seems to be the Ganges delta and the Southern one appears to be the narrow strait between Sri-Lankä and the Southers tip of India. But this is a mere exoterism. The Table; About Me; Plato . 6) There is no sign of a sunken island of continental dimensions on the Atlantic. Atlas) – corresponds to the Twin Cherubs, the Guardians of Paradise. That the origin of the myth of the Island of the Blest – a sort of remains of sunken Paradise/Atlantis – is Oriental is afforded by Josephus (Wars II:8:11) that affirms that the Essenes – the Jewish sect who was the precursor of Christianism – believed: Like the opinion of the Greeks, that good souls had their abode beyond the Ocean, in a region that is never disturbed by tempests of rain or snow, wor by intense heat, but that their place is always refreshed by a gentle breeze from west wind which perpetually blows from the Ocean, whereas they allot to bad souls a dark and tempestuous abode, full of never-ceasing punishiments. Kailasa in both fact and Indian legend too and we see that legend os Paradise arose in India, for it is not likely that the Jeros would place their Paradise in a region unknown to them. The Flat Earth derives from the Hindu theory of the Dvipas – concentric rings of earth encircled by oceans called by strange names such Sea of Honey; Sea of Milk; Sea of Nectar, etc.. We also incorporated more esoteric meta-sciences. A lot of theoretical nonsense has been written and filmed about Atlantis. Avienus (824) affirm that the island of Geryon (Erytheia) was also called Gades and places it “beyond the Ocean where Dionysus erected the famous Pillars”. In the subsection “Plato Believed the Atlantis Story to be true” (pos. After scholars found out about the Minoan civilization, several individuals jumped to conclusions in the 1900’s connecting them to Plato’s Atlantis. Were he using them in the strict sense of “right in front of the Pillars of Hercules of Gibraltar” his tale would be a mere fable, as no empire, sunker a not, like the one he is describing ever existed in the region. Robert Sarmast argued that Atlantis lies at the bottom of Cyprus Basin on the eastern Mediterranean, beneath approximately 0.9 miles of water. The name of Bosphorus – literally denoting the same as Oxford or “place where the bulls are forded” – designated a shallow strait usually between two continents. This conception of the world suwived down the times of Columbus despite the Pythagorean doctrine of a spherical earth with which some philosophers – including Plato and Aristotle – were familiar 1 . And the Central Gates are guarded by the Cherubs or Agivins who correspond to Atlas and Hercules ( or Gadeiros) and their animal aliases, Orthrus and Cerberns. Here the Nile is correctly shown crising in Ethiopia from a large lake (Lake Rudolph?) [Atlantis: Zwei Tempel, Bildsäulen, Erntedankkult] Der Königssitz war, innerhalb der Burg, folgendergestalt auferbaut. The four figures blowing horus indicate the Cardinal Directions and represent the four winds. They also speak of former brilliant civilijations of great antiquity and unsurpassed knowledge which are fully backed up by the magnificent relics of a superior science preserved in their Holy Books which they date at 20.000 years or more, well inside Plato’s date for the Atlantean events. In other words, he is alluding to the Ocean of the Atlanteans which he mistekenly identified with the Atlantic Ocean, following Herodotus. The name Atlantic first appears in Herodotus (I:203): The sea frequented by the Greeks – that beyond the Pillars of Hercules – which is called the Atlantic and the Erythraean are one and the same sea (the Oceanus). Google Scholar. He even claimed that all the known ancient civilization originated from Atlantis’ high Neolithic culture. The Greek philosopher gave many clues. It connected with the Euxinus (Black Sea) and the Palus Maeotis (Macotian Marshes) at the rigth and to the Oceanus at left. If this is indeed the case, we have the alternative 1)c stated further above. In this case, we are to understand Plato’s text to meam that Atlantis was placed beyond the Pillars of Hercules of the Bab-el-Manded (hence, in India) but for some reason chose the longer ronte and decided to invade Greece and Egypt from Gibraltar rather tham across Suez. Either Atlantis existed where Plato said it did, or it did not exist at all. Their navigation was coastal, and they never explored the Atlantic Ocean, effectively blockaded by the Phoenicians and, later, by their successors, the Carthagimans, from earliest times down to the defeat of Carthago by Scipio Africanus in 206BC. Let us start by quoting Plato’s Timaeus (24) in the passage concerning the location of Atlantis: This power came out of the Atlantic Ocean – for in those days the Atlantic was navigable – and there was an island situated beyond the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Hercules. And the rest, with a few exceptions, have placed the lost continent in the Mediterianean (Thera) or in the Black Sea regioin (Kertch). Papamarinopoulos, S.P., Drivaliari, N. and Coseyan, Ch. II:21) alludes to the same legend. This island was larger than than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, … Mesopotamia was an “island”, and so were Egypt and the Indus Valley (Doab), often called nesos. Explorers have claimed to have found the lost city of Atlantis on multiple occasions throughout the years but none of their findings have solved the existence of this mysterious island nation. I will now recount the legend of Atlantis told by Lyon Sprague De Camp, who read the story on Plato, who made Critias tell it, who – thanks to the goddess of memory Mnemosyne – remembered the details his great-grandfather had learned from his brother Solon. Alexander had Nearcchus, his admirel, explore the coast of the Indian ocean in 326BC and he came from the Indus mouth down to the Persian Gulf. This can have two alternative interpretations. Bombay is built at the foot of the Ghäts (“gates”) from which the name of the other Gades probably derives. Plato's Atlantis Excerpt from "Timaeus" by Plato c.428 - c.347 BC reprinted from "The Antediluvian World" by Ignatius Donnelly "But in addition to the gods whom you have mentioned, I would specially invoke Mnemosyne; for all the important part of what I have to tell is dependent on her favor, and if I can recollect and recite enough of what was said by the priests, and brought … Their argument is backed by the fact that Plato often told fictitious tales. The Oceanus should not be confused with the River Oceanus (the Indus). 11,000 years ago the sea level in the area was some 130 metres lower, exposing a number of islands in the strait. Many philosophers, including Aristotle, also viewed Atlantis as fiction. The Phison passes under the Ocean, discharging in the Persian Gulf and the Geon – clearly identified with the Nile – does the same, discharging in the Mediterranean. Hippalos learnt the secret of the direct crossing from the Hindu and the Arab pilots who did it regularly from the port of Socotra. Even the west wind (Zephyr) blowing from the Ocean and indicating that this land lies in the Orient is featured in both passages, and there can be no question of more coincidence. Placed in an ancient river mounth – the usual topografhy of all ancient gades – it served as the oceanic gateway to the port cities of the bay and the rivers that discharge there. Plato’s Clues to Location. c) The way to India from Suez via the Red Sea and the Erythraean was based on a series of islands in those seas, the last of which was Socotra placed beyond the How of Africa as the ultimate landfall for provisioning. It has justifiably been ridiculed for matching so little of what Plato described, yet his is the only account we have. The Indian Ocean was better know to them from the Egyptian and the Phoenician accounts, as well as through the reports of Greek navigants of the region, such as Scylax of Caria (fl. After the discovery of America – confused with India by Columbus and others – some changed the site of Atlantis (Paradise to this new continent. It definitely excludes both Thera and the Black Sea region, for hardly would people from these Mediterranean region come out of the Atlantic Ocean or be deermed to lie outiside the Pillars of Hercules. The “New” Paradigm of Paradise, Atlantis. Plato's location for Atlantis has at last been discovered. The story also features a cultural war between wealth and modesty, between a maritime and an agrarian … However, Nearcchus had already learnt of it from the Indians pilots, who did it on a regular basis since the down of time. 113b, gives a wrong account of its content (besides once again confusing Plato and Critias): Critias does not refer to any “verses of Solon’s incomplete epic poem” here, but only to some written notes about some names Solon allegedly wanted to use … Pytheas of Massalia (Marseilles) was the first Greek to visit and describe the Atlantic coast of Europe. The word Gades also denote something like the English “gate”, being derived from the Sanskrit ghätti meaning the same. Cosmas Indicopleustes – or colom we already wrote elsewhere in this work – published a map of the world in his Topographia Christiana which we reproduce in Fig.2, Fig.2 – Map of the world of Cosmos Indicopleustes (Donnelly, Atlantis, pg. als erster erwähnte und beschrieb. Herodotus (hist IV:8) places it “beyond the Pontus (Asia Minor) and the Pillars of Hercules upon the Ocean, near Gades”. Very likely, Bombay is the same as the ancient Gädhi (or Gädheya), also named Känyakubje (or Dhumädi or Dhära), the archetype of Atlantis and the true source of the name Gades. The most telling characteristic of Atlantis is that it was an island located in the Atlantic Ocean. Many have even reasoned that it may not be in the Atlantic Ocean as has generally been believed. Pytheas also mentions a impterious Thule (Scandinavia?). Despite being widely considered as fiction, the myth surrounding Atlantis has remained part of popular culture for millennia. Home; Atlantis Discovered; The Downfall; Vineta; Location; Facts; Jona; Galerie . 5)The Atlanteans had a mighty empire all over Africa. The exact position has been debated by scholars for centuries with no theory being any better than the other. Plato refers to the Outer Continent and to large islands placed before it. 4) Plato’s text is broken in the first sentence as if to suggest two independent facts. Some have proposed that the sub-continental island of Plato is America. 246). The enclosed square shown at the extreme rigth is the Paradise (or Eden) – which Cosmas explicity identifies with Atlantis – It is Shown as a well-watered region full of lakes or dams, out of which spring the Four Rivers of Paradise. So, Plato could well be talking of another one, probably the Suez Canal. They were, originally, garrisoned lighthouses on both banks of each strait. The Atlantic Ocean was also called Oceanus Occidentalis, Mare Oceassum, Mare Magnum, Mare Externum. An excellent investigation of the ancient conception of the world is given in G.S. In the map of Saint Severus of Fig. Atlantis & Lemuria Interview with Frank Joseph Hoff, The origin of the red and white stripes in our Flag, Pyramids and Mounds and other sacred places of the earth, Press and Bookstores Information | Atlantis, Checklist of Possible Locations for Atlantis, The Great Pyramid and the Origin of the Egyptian Calendar, The Atlantean Symbolism Of The Egyptian Temple (Part I), The Atlantean Symbolism Of The Egyptian Temple (Part II), The Atlantean Origin Of The Seven Sacraments, Corroborating evidence on the reality of Atlantis, Statement on the Alleged Discovery of Atlantis Off Cyprus. The Indicus Oceanus was also subdivided into seas: the Erythraeum (or Rubrum) Mare and the Sinus Gangeticus. Inmitten desselben befand sich ein unzugängliches, der Kleito und dem Poseidon geweihtes Heiligtum, ebenda, wo einst das Geschlecht der zehn Herrscher erzeugt und geboren wurde. Atlantis must then be quested either in the Atlantic or in the India Ocean, both of which formed the True Ocean considered by Plato.Sticking to Plato’s text, we note the following points: 1) The Atlanteans are said to have come out of the Atlantic Ocean, form huge island beyond the Pillars of Hercules. Most of the proposed sites are in or near the Mediterranean Sea because of the location of Egypt from where the story was allegedly derived. The suggested sites in the Mediterranean include the islands of Sardinia, Malta, Crete, Cyprus, and Santorini (Thera). If the Suez Canal was open, the Egyptians and the Greeks, their allies, would certainly strogly ganison the Strait in order to prevent an invasion from fearful Atlantis and its colonies. Recapitulating, there were four pairs of Pillars of Hercules guarding the four “gulfs” of the Outer Ocean, which linked to the Mediterranean at the Four Cardinal Directions. Some geologists have even suggested that Atlantis was actually the city-state of Troy.
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