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A side is the audition piece they are giving you. Proscenium stages are ideal for realistic acting and production styles. Usually in booklet form, they are cheaper, smaller, and easier to handle at an audition. Double-acting definition, (of a reciprocating engine, pump, etc.) PAN (screen): A sweeping camera shot/movement that goes from one end to the other without any cuts, PANTOMIME: A pretend speech when Extras in the background are imitating real conversations; same as Ad Lib, PER DIEM: A fee paid to the actor to cover meal costs that weren’t initially cover by the Producer, PERSONAL PROPS (stage): Props that actors carry with them in their costumes, PICK UP: Starting from a designated place in the scene that isn’t the very beginning, PICKING UP CUES: A term that refers to performers acting on their Cues faster than they previously have, PICTURE’S UP (screen): This line is shouted when a cue to shoot a scene is coming, PILOT (screen): A first episode of the TV show that is produced in order to sell the whole show, PLACES (stage): A command from Stage Manager which means all actors have to take their designated positions before going on stage, PLAYBILL (stage): A pamphlet, booklet or program that contains information about the show, OR a poster of the show, PLAYWRIGHT (stage): A person who writes plays and dramatic literature, also known as Dramatist, POST-PRODUCTION (screen): The stage that the production enters to start the editing process after all the filming has wrapped up, P.O.V SHOT (screen): Short for “Point of View Shot”, where the shot is positioned in the way to indicate Character’s perspective, PRE-PRODUCTION (screen): The stage that the production is in before all the filming begins (writing, casting, location scouting, etc. The first is the creative side of understanding and interpreting your character, and the second is the technical side of voice control while delivering your lines. Still have questions? REWRITE: Editing of the Screenplay or a play, RISER (stage): A platform on the stage that creates different levels, ROLL OVER (screen): A command given by the Director to Cinematographer and Mixer to start rolling, ROLLING! Should I become a racist.  I'm a white male and the media/actors say I must be? Can Biden change that? ” So please check that post out for additional information on this topic. Many actors train at length in specialist programs or colleges to develop these skills. CAMERA LEFT – Actors or subjects are positioned (or asked to move) to the left side of the camera frame (from the operators view/perspective). RELATED: Acting for Beginners 101 – The Ultimate Guide Unfortunately or not, cold read auditions are fairly common these days. See more. Reading a script as a professional voice actor script has two sides. LOOPING (screen): Tool used in post-production to correct dialogue that has already been shot, OR use of audio/music on the loop, MARK (screen): A designated position where an actor has to stand in order to be at a perfect angle/lighting for the shot, MARKER (screen): A command used along with a Slate Board to indicate a visual cue for the camera, MARKING OUT (stage): The process of marking out the stage to indicate where the props and furniture is going to stand, MASTER SHOT (screen): An important shot that comprises principal actor(s) and background to create a scene, MATCHING ACTIONS (screen): When an actor has to match their previous actions for another shot after they have been Established, MATINEE (stage): A performance of the show that takes place in the afternoon, MEAL PENALTY (screen): A payment to actors and Extras if the production doesn’t break for meals at least every six hours, MIXER (screen): The person in charge of the Sound Crew, responsible for the quality of the sound, MONOLOGUE: An longer speech used by a single actor without breaks for Dialogue, often used for Auditions, M.O.S / S.O.C (screen): Short for “Motion Only Shot” and “Silent on Camera”, where the shot is taken without any sound or Dialogue, MUSICAL DIRECTOR (stage): The person responsible for musical effects of the show, usually works with the Director and orchestra. b. Practice Reading the Voice Acting Script. In almost all cases the playing space is made of temporary staging and is elevated a few feet higher than the first rows of audience.Black box theatre: An unadorned space with no defined playing area. Often times, there will be sections to start and stop at, as well as pieces that are crossed out or put together. I discussed breakdowns and who gets the breakdowns in “Who Gets the Breakdowns for Acting Auditions for Big Movie and TV Roles? Definition of two sides of the same coin in the Idioms Dictionary. "My biggest pet peeve nowadays is actors not bringing their … Acting also demands an ability to employ dialects, accents, improvisation, observation and emulation, mime, and stage combat. Definitions of side from WordNet. If you have any additional acting terms to suggest, please do not hesitate to get in touch and contribute to this list that is of big help to all actors and other performers in the business. in the Screenplay, CLOSING OFF (stage): An actor’s action of turning away from the audience; opposite of Opening Up, COLD READING: During an Audition, reading of the Sides that are completely new to the actor, COLOR COVER (screen): A Stand-In wearing the same color as the principal actor, COMMISSION: A percentage taken from an actor’s paycheck by a Talent Agent or a Manager, COMPANY (stage): The whole Cast and Crew of a stage production, COMPOSITE: 3-5 different photographs of an actor to show off their various looks, sometimes referred to as Comp Card, CONTROL BOOTH (stage): A small room/place in the theatre from where all technical things, lights and sound, are controlled, COPY (screen): A Script for a production that’s for TV, usually a radio Voice Over or a Commercial, COSTUMER: The person responsible for costumes, COVER SHOT (screen): An additional shot that might be of a different angle to a Master Shot done for editing purposes, CRAFT SERVICES: A table with food and snacks, cared for by Caterer, CRANE SHOT (screen): A shot of a scene from above, often with the camera hanging on a crane, CREDITS (screen): Appearance of names involved in the production, OR list of actor’s experience on their Resume, CREW: All people involved in the production except for the actors, CURTAIN (stage): A screen of cloth  on stage that separates the audience from the performers, CURTAIN CALL (stage): The time at the end of a stage performance when all actors come out to take their bows, CUT (screen): A cue to cease the action of the scene, usually given by the Director, CUTAWAY (screen): A short scene showing something other than the person in the previous shot (e.g. CASTING DIRECTOR: The person responsible for Casting, in speech often referred to as C.D. SIDES: Part of the script, usually a couple of pages, that is used during an Audition SKINS : List of people working who have been booked for that particular day SLATE (screen): A quick statement to the camera of performer’s name, and any additional required details before the Audition begins by Ruth Kulerman "Sides" are segments taken from a script. Arena: A large open space with seating capacity for very large groups.Seating layouts are typically similar to theatre in the round, or proscenium (though the stage will not have a proscenium arch. GAFFER: Head Electrician, also known as Chief Electrician, GOLDEN TIME (screen): 16th hour on the shooting day; Extras receive Base Pay for every single hour spent on set past this point, GREEN ROOM (stage): A room where performers relax before going on stage, GREEN SCREEN (screen): Same as Blue Screen, except the screen is of green color; the choice of Green Screen is more common than Blue, GRIPS (screen): Crew that is responsible for moving the equipment around the set, HAND PROPS (stage): Objects held by performers used to tell a story, HEADSHOT: A photograph a performer to showcase their look, HOLDING (screen): A room/area where Extras are staying while not working on the set, HOLDING BOOK: When a member of the crew assists performers by giving them their lines, HONEYWAGON (screen): Truck trailer close to the set that hosts bathrooms and changing rooms, HOT SET (screen): A set that is ready for filming, HOUSE (stage): Means audience in the theatre, OR could be short for Front of House, HOUSE LIGHTS (stage): Lights that are used to light the auditorium, HOUSE MANAGER (stage): The person responsible for anything to do with the audience, HOUSE OPEN (stage): When the audience are being seated before the show and performers can no longer appear on the stage, IMPROVISATION: Coming up with actions and/or lines on the spot without any preparation, INDUSTRIAL (screen): Film, Short or a video clip used for educational purposes only, INSERTS (screen): A shot that is used in the footage during post-production, INT. In most cases there are both sides to things and in a lot of cases there are more than just both. Prepared as you are for that first in-person audition, both features and TV sometimes rely on … The Power of Leaning. VOICE OVER (screen): A term used to indicate an off-camera directions, narration, commentary, etc. side ( n.) one of two or more contesting groups; the Confederate side was prepared to attack. Acting for an investor and the scheme in which they will be investing. While the coming of age/changing perspective thing is the subject of the verses; the chorus goes beyond that by adding that although she has seen things for what they really are, she continues to choose illusion over reality. ACT: One of the main sections of a Screenplay or a play, ACTING PROCESS: Specific choices an actor makes to bring the character to life, ACTION: One of the key words a Director says to start the scene, AD LIB: Dialogue in the scene that has been improvised, ADJUSTMENT: An artist’s pay is being increased above the base rate, ADR (screen): Automated Dialogue Replacement – dialogue that has been added in post-production, ADVANCE: Money that has been paid in advance to secure somebody’s work, AGENT: An artist’s/performers representation in the business responsible for negotiations and other business deals, AISLE (stage): A walkway that goes through two different seat areas, ART DIRECTOR (screen): A person responsible for designing a film set, ASIDE (stage): A line delivered to audience that isn’t meant to be heard by other performers on the stage. All acting terms in the Acting Dictionary / Actors’ Vocabulary are being constantly updated and new terminologies are being added all the time. For actors in the business, knowing all the acting terms will prove to be useful, as the acting industry runs on them. A side is a copy of YOUR lines in a scene; usually without any directions or common info except for those pertaining to your part. Some proscenium stages are "raked," meaning the surface is slanted at an angle to provide the audience with a better view of the "upstage" area--the area furthest away from the audience. Acting involves a broad range of skills, including a well-developed imagination, emotional facility, physical expressivity, vocal projection, clarity of speech, and the ability to interpret drama. Reciprocal describes something that's the same on both sides. Audition sides are usually a piece of a script used to help the actor prepare for the audition. I am not sure if this would be a good role for her? This is what casting people mean when they say "There are sides." Sometimes you do not see the sides until you go to the audition. Should Hollywood A-Listers help another actor who broke the law? CASTING NOTICE: Similar to Breakdown, except this one is available to the public and is often listed on casting websites, CATERER: The person responsible for all the food on the set or stage, CATTLE CALL: Auditions that are open to all types of actors: professionals, amateurs, Union members and non-Union, CATWALK (stage): A very narrow walkway on the ceiling of a theatre where lights and scenery are hung from, CHANGES: Different performers’ outfits worn during a production, CHARACTER: The person who is going to be played by an actor during a production, CHEAT (screen): An angle where an actor is being positioned to better accommodate the camera, CHECKING THE GATE (screen): Checking the lens of a camera, CHIEF ELECTRICIAN: A person in charge of an electrical team, sometimes referred to as Gaffer, CHOREOGRAPHER: A person responsible for arranging movements and creating dances for actors to perform, CHORUS: A company of singers and dancers, OR songs and dances performed by those people, CINEMATOGRAPHER (screen): Someone in charge of the Camera Crew, often referred to as Director of Photography (D.P. I have heard people use this term many many many times and i have no idea what it means. The sides are the most important item that helps an actor to rehearse the part. But in this song there are only two sides to things… there’s reality and I guess what you might call fantasy. Answer Save. “Sides” are the pages of the script that are being shot during that day in production. A thrust stage is where the acting area in front of the proscenium arch comes forward so that some of the audience are sitting on three sides of the action of the play. PRODUCTION ASSISTANT (screen): The person responsible for a big variety of things during a film production, often abbreviated as P.A. The term “ sides ” simply refers to the specific set of lines from the script of an acting project that your child (or you) must learn prior to an audition. They are talking about when at an audition. Lines [BEAT] that contains the bracketed word “[BEAT]”. What are sides? His and theirs. ACTING SLANG: what is sides? … (screen): Short for “Interior”, a term used in Screenplay to indicate a scene taking place inside, LIBRETTO (stage): A book or script of a musical or opera production, LIGHTING DESIGNER (stage): The person responsible for show’s lighting, LINE PRODUCER: The person responsible for keeping the Director on the budget and on the schedule, LOCATION (screen): It could refer to the stage, set or an area where the filming is taking place.
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