modern french songs
So let’s get listening! Using FluentU’s unique “learn mode” to master the lyrics of a music video is an incredibly powerful way to learn French through music. This is one of a series of posts about books used as source material for Art Song Central. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. The goal here is to help you choose the coolest, easiest-to-understand, but entertaining songs to learn to speak French. It’s mostly fit for advanced French learners who don’t feel intimidated by a fast rhythm and lots of references to brands and public figures that aren’t typically accessible at first listen. can take anywhere. The videos are organized by genre and level so it’s easy to find the ones that work for you. You'll receive video recommendations that suit your interests and current level of progress. Don’t be fooled by the fact that the song is helpful for spotting questions: it’s quite demanding and challenging in terms of vocabulary, including terms like essoufflé (out of breath), s’écrouler (to collapse) and l’effigie (effigy). Can you identify them? Now that you are convinced that songs are an important tool for improving your French, let’s look at some tips on turning these songs into wicked language lessons! Written by Raymond Vincy and Henri Martinet, and recorded by French singer Tino Rossi in 1946, this is one of the more modern songs that is currently the best-selling single of all time in France. Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Copyright: 1904. The fact that the song is simple in the way it addresses such complex feelings makes it approachable for beginners, too. Do you remember the differences between rien and pas? Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Amadou & Marian are a musical duo from Mali, and their song ‘Je pense à toi’ is a brutally honest declaration of love, stripped back to the bare fact: (‘Je pense à toi, mon amour, ma Spaces that were once associated with celebration, laughter, happiness and love, now seem empty, stripped of meaning and lonely without the presence of his family member. This tune is great for music madlibs, as Gims sings quite clearly and slowly, however his Congolese French accent provides a nice twist and challenge for the untrained ear. Listen to it here | Can also be purchases Amazon and iTunes. What you learn: Vocabulary about emotions, the city and routine. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. From classic French songs to modern ones, I include songs to cover every taste. While the classics are great, I want to listen to more modern stuff. You can also review how to construct simple negations with the word non (no). Nassi addresses this specific feeling of disappointment, frustration and irony towards how life turned out and how overthinking can’t always be avoided, especially when you’re not in a position of privilege. French singer and songwriter Indila is no stranger to the diversity of cultures around the world, and in fact calls herself a “child of the world”—she’s of Algerian, Egyptian, Indian and Cambodian descent, and the influence of these cultures in her singing style is clear. FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. Although the song is upbeat, danceable and intense, the lyrics are sung at a moderate pace, so it becomes easier for lower-intermediate learners to understand some key vocabulary and be able to sing along with the repetitive chorus. Better yet if you can learn French while you’re at it. Because french music is not only about Edith Piaf and Paris. What you learn: Several references to partying, clothing brands and African cultures. Now let’s come home to the Americas, where French is alive and active! If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn French with real-world videos. Damien Robitaille has great songs for the beginner learner looking to transition to intermediate, as his songs are simple and sweet. This song by Israeli-French singer Tal is full of colorful language related to giving support, providing motivation and helping somebody get back on their feet. Pay attention to the lyrics: you’ll notice several daily problems mentioned from beginning to end! “Folie arcadienne” is a feel-good summer tune that invites you to walk the hipster corners of Paris with the band members, getting to know its colorful spots and enjoying the river Seine. Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play stores. Matthieu Chedid, known by his stage name -M-, is a French rockstar who loves getting creative with his music videos, lyrics and topics. These two young Parisians have great catchy sentimental pop songs. If you like learning French on your own time and from the comfort of your smart device, then I'd be remiss to not tell you about FluentU. After all, they wouldn’t be much help if you had no idea what French level they worked for, what vocabulary you could learn from them or how they could boost your French cultural knowledge. It seems the singer is disappointed with what he found, and somehow longs for more, as he can’t seem to find a connection. With such a variety of French-speaking communities in the world, there’s more French music available to devour than you probably ever realized. These include songs to learn the French Alphabet, days of the week, colours, and much more. Luckily, since Willy William gives several commands in this song, this is the perfect occasion to get comfortable with the imperative in French. This is where “Hanoï Café” comes in: a mix of indie and electronic music, providing an upbeat, summery tune to dance and sing along to easily. Stromae is a Belgian musician who you’ve probably heard of before. Some things just cannot be promised. The French press reported the song as an “audio verite,” and the eroticism was considered offensive which resulted in its expulsion from radio across much of Europe. This gave way to a difficult childhood and harsh upbringing in various Paris ghettos and squat homes, which is reflected in his music—where we get a view on immigrant realities in the French-speaking world. But wait, what about nous? Popular passages. This tune is another great one to practice your pronouns, especially moi (me) and toi (you). The title translates to “the sea” and is about the beauty of the ocean. How to Learn French Reading Without Getting Lost, The Ultimate, Song-filled Guide to Learn French with Music, Class Is in Session: The 16 Best Sites for Online French Courses, Where to Download French Learning Videos for Any Language Skill, 15 Incredibly Useful Sites with French Listening Exercises to Quickly Sharpen Your Ears, The 6 Best Websites to Self Study French (All the Way to Fluency). You’re about to find out! Tino Rossi, "J'attendrai" 3. The song is literally composed of two paragraphs that repeat themselves, so it isn’t too hard to keep up with the lyrics. Another great thing about this band? What you learn: Practice the structure of questions. However, the message of the song is clear: the only answer is to keep dancing, keep living fully and continue enjoying the little things in life like it’s the last day! Modern French Songs. Girl power! 21 French Songs for French Learners: have put together a helpful list of songs specifically for students of the French language. The lyrics can seem complex, as some of the verbs aren’t used in everyday life, but its rhythm is friendly to language learners. What you learn: How to talk about the passage of time in a complex way. He mixes English and French a lot, so sometimes you get direct translations right in the song, like in one of my personal favorites. What you learn: Reported speech and talking about what others told you. An original yé-yé girl, this French pop icon shot to fame after winning the Eurovision contest and dominated the French charts with her sexually suggestive songs for decades. Download: Fortunately there’s a unique online tool that’s actually designed to teach you French with music. It also mentions several words we use in everyday life, from places in the city to common vocabulary: un soir (an evening), le brouillard (the fog) or Je me réveille (I wake up), for example. All throughout, FluentU tracks the vocabulary that you’re learning and uses this information to give you a totally personalized experience. Recommended Song… List of French composers; Classic 100 Music of France (ABC) This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 18:25 (UTC). This song is fantastic for constructing phrases with avoir besoin de (to need something) and also to review your french pronouns (lui, toi, moi…). French Lyric: “Accroches-toi a ton reve / Accroches-toi a ton reve / Quand tu vois ton bateau partir / Quand tu sens ton coeur se briser / Accroches-toi a ton reve.” Translation: “Hold on tight to your dream / Hold on tight to your dream / When you see your ship go sailing / When you feel your heart is breaking / Hold on tight to your dream.” ELO isn’t the type of band you’d think would have a French song; their futuristic sound isn’t exactly romantic. She's been celebrated as a fresh and vibrant voice in French music, largely because she focuses on universal themes of hope, courage, and brotherhood rather than trite love and breakup songs. All Rights Reserved. Léo Marjane, "Seule ce soir" 4. In this short but practical song, he explains basic facts of life that he believes everybody should know by now, hence the title “Basique” (“Basic”). We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Maître Gims, the French musician of Congolese origin, has conquered a whole new style by his own right. On the download link, you have access to all their electro-pop Chiac tunes. Listening to old French classics is fun, but it can get tiring after a while. 3. Welcome to your Francophone Music Tour! Notice that this isn’t teenage slang—even adults use it too, so it’s a good idea to get familiar with the structure. Additionally, “Rien n’est parfait” contains different types of negation. What you learn: A short song you’ll quickly be able to know by heart. How many words can you spot that have to do with sleep and dreams? Ready for a real musical treat? Page xv - Beauty is but a flower Which wrinkles will devour; Brightness falls from the air, Queens have died young and fair, Dust hath closed Helen's eye. (Download). The passé composé is regularly used in French to talk about past actions. Finally, Gims finishes the song by mentioning several French-speaking African cities! This song was on the 2000 French musical Roméo et Juliette, de la Haine à l’Amour (a musical based on William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet) and was a huge hit in France and in Belgium. And once you start employing the learning tips above, you will really start tuning in. CLOSE. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240), Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book. Learn French with 20 Modern, Meaningful Songs You’ll Love 1. It is called Chiac and it’s a variation of français acadian (Acadian French). Download: Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Stromae is diversity in both artist and flesh, born in Brussels to a Rwandan father and a Belgian mother from Flanders (the Flemish-speaking part of Belgium), he sings about social norms, gender stereotypes but also having a good time. Brel composed and performed thoughtful and often theatrical songs that generated worldwide fame, and is generally considered as a master of the modern chanson. Jacques Brel, "Ne me quitte pas" 6. Manu Chao is a multilingual artist crème de la crème (cream of the crop), as he sings in French, Spanish and English. Listen to it here | Can also be purchases Amazon and iTunes Manu Chao is a multilingual artistcrème de la crème (cream of the crop), as he sings in French, Spanish and English. It’s a perfect band for dancing and sing-alongs. For example, nowadays you’d hear a French person say “On est mariés” more often than “Nous sommes mariés” (“We are married”), the latter being a translation you would often find in language manuals. Willy William is likely to have made an appearance on your playlist more than once. The most famous include “La vie en rose”, “l’hymne à l’amour” (which earned the top spot in a recent survey of the French’s favorite love songs), “Non, je ne regrette rien”, “La Foule”, and “Mon dieu”, which is one of the saddest songs ever. Book Title: Modern French Songs. French-Israeli singer Amir Haddad represented France at Eurovision in 2016 with the song “J’ai cherché,” which tells us about the human search for understanding, happiness and meaning after pain. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you What happens when we visit the other side? That’s because in French, the small addition of a reflexive pronoun—in this case, “te“—to an expression can completely change its meaning. While you’re more likely to see a Parisienne in sweatpants than a French song on the US or UK pop charts, there’s a huge appetite for today’s French music among Anglophones. It’s worth checking out all their songs, because Alfa Rococo is pop’s answer to great francophone music. The great thing about Chao is the simplicity of his lyrics. Get your friends together and try to translate the conversation in the beginning of the “Dekshoo” video above. Thanks for subscribing! This is an interesting young duo from France who became famous overnight. Sometimes, they spring from other French speaking countries.… While the statements themselves might be difficult due to the use of slang and political references, his pronunciation is still clear. Their songs are sophisticated and creative, leaning in on the alternative pop category. That’s right, French rap exists! Have you ever wanted to comfort or encourage somebody in French, but felt your vocabulary was way too weak to be able to do so? Long-time neighbors and university classmates, Jérémy Frérot and Florian Garcia were discovered online when a music producer from Capitol Music France came across their YouTube music videos. D’ailleurs (for that matter), it’s fun! Please check your email for further instructions. So you’ve come to the right place to learn French with songs that you’ll love listening to. Gloria Lasso, "Etrangère au Paradis" 7. In “J’ai demandé à la lune,” iconic French rock band Indochine sing about a mysterious love, talking to the moon in expectation and needing some answers. The fiddle was their instrument of choice. However, she still mentions everything both her and her partner would like to see happen, although nothing can be certain. French singer Alma took the song “Requiem” to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2017 with this topic in mind. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240), Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book. In “Tous les mêmes,” Stromae explores negative qualities of males, such as lying, cheating, making up stories and degradation of women. Zaz is an unavoidable influence in French music by now, with her unique voice and alternative tunes. What you learn: A common colloquial expression related to the word “party” (fête). How can you say “she told me that,” “I asked her if” or “We told each other that…” in French? Alright Europe, that’s enough. View Charts Legend. Papaoutai – Stromae (2013) 98. All Rights Reserved. With this tune, you can review basic verbs like boire (drink), voler (steal) and se marier (to get married) with consistent and slow repetition. Once you’ve listened through the various artists, make sure to pick out your favorite songs and incorporate the learning tips above to tune your songs to learning, and finally turn your fluency volume up! These three are really a delight, and for all those Franglish lovers out there, this is your band. Publisher: Oliver Ditson Co. However, be wary that her songs are fit for an advanced level, as she uses colorful language and adjectives. Je Me Tire – Maître Gims (2013) 96. Top 100 French Songs You Must Hear. He’s avant-garde, handsome, educated and one of the few mainstream artists that challenges social taboos. Additionally, most of the verbs used are in the simple present tense, making it easy for you to get familiar with more verbs in this very common tense. That’s what Algerian-Canadian musician Zaho sings about in this touching tune about getting back together, fighting again and not being able to foresee a stable future. Sometimes you just want to let loose to a dance club hit or relax with some indie tunes. Something missing? This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you If you decide to study the songs of more modern singers, be sure to check that their grammar is correct before using them as a way to learn! Since music is universal, this method doesn't exclude complete beginners. French songs; Sheet music - French songs. The great thing about la musique cadienne (cadian/cajun music) is that it tends to be quite instrumental and a bit lighter on the lyrics, meaning that these tunes are great for beginners. If you’re a fan of French artists – Edith Piaf, Yann Tiersen, Michel Polnareff, Jacques Brel among others – you'll be happy to discover our wide selection of classic and popular French sheet music which you can download from our site. Famous for his songs in French, Jacques Brel is was actually Belgian. In fact, even North America is home to some very important Francophone music communities (shout out to the Cajuns in Louisiana)! More than anything, songs make French sound “normal” to you, whether it’s passive sounds (people talking/background sounds) or active (you talking/giving a speech). If you like the song above, also check out “Changer.”. The song “Omnipresent” (ever-present) is great for reviewing expressions of time, like partout (everywhere) and toujours (always). A fun way to bring some life and rhythm into your French vocabulary! The reason the song is so friendly to beginners and lower-intermediate French learners is that it’s quite repetitive and simple in its structure. It’s a shame because listening to music everyday is a great way to improve your French. What you learn: The imperative (command form). What you learn: Describing a negative place and the way things used to be. His songs are perfect for begin… FluentU provides music videos that come with built-in interactive subtitles, flashcards and even practice sessions that are tailored to your specific needs. Editor: Philip Hale. An excellent site is devoted to the history of French songs from 1870 to 1945, with large excerpts, lyrics and historical comments, many links to other sources. C’est Si Bon (It’s so Good) – Yves Montand. 10 French Singers You Should Know. French music history dates back to organum in the 10th century, followed by the Notre Dame School, an organum composition style. Je Te Donne – Génération Goldman (2012) I’ve seen both Francophones and Anglophones fail in their attempts, just to say, this linguistic community is quite special! And we won’t simply suggest new French songs for your playlist. But before we start traveling the world to check out these tunes, let’s first take a look at why music is perfect for learning the French language. You know all those times you’ve said to yourself “I wish I could just speak Franglish or something!” You’ll be surprised to learn that Franglish does indeed exist, well sort of! Down to Africa, the fastest growing Francophone region in the world, with killer beats to boot! Google Books has a complete edition of each volume available for download. It’s the perfect occasion to practice learning new ways of reporting what’s been said! The perfect song to practice talking about past experiences! In fact, I find that French-language teachers rarely share cool songs that students want to hear! Thanks for subscribing! In fact, for many of the contemporary songs below–even the beginner-friendly ones—that won’t always work. In “Est-ce que c’est ça?” -M- asks himself whether this is all there is to love. (Check out their concert schedule). It is spoken in the bilingual province of New Brunswick, Canada, where our #8 guest Franglish music stars originate. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning, and play the mini-games found in our dynamic flashcards, like "fill in the blank.". With interactive captions, you can tap on any word to see an image, definition and useful examples. Also check them out in this video, where group members present Chiac as the linguistic solution to bilingual barriers. Who doesn’t like looking at Paris’ wonderful monuments and street corners? Best of all, just like your favorite tunes, you can take FluentU anywhere with the mobile apps for iOS and Android. Also, make sure to pull out your lyrics sheet because the heavy instrumentals may cover up the words and confuse you if you are not following along. Hopefully, this list has given you some ideas on how to revamp your French playlists. So here’s a list of the top most recent French songs … The great thing about Chao is the simplicity of his lyrics. It’s focused on ego, vanity, superficiality and living in a bubble where you’re always the best, until you realize you don’t want that reality anymore. In this mystical take on sleep and dreams, Willy William comes back in partnership with Keen’V to sing about insomnia, being restless and needing some hours of sleep! It enjoys a certain popularity among Francophiles, travelers, French-language learners and anyone with an ear for global music. Click here to get a copy. (Download). I’d recommend this song for expert intermediates or advanced learners, as many of the words are cut short with liaisons for rhythmic purpose. Recommended for intermediate learners, the vast majority of their songs are in French, so there is a lot of material to work with here. FluentU has a wide variety of great content, like interviews, documentary excerpts and web series, as you can see here: FluentU brings native French videos with reach. Charles Trenet, "La mer" 2. What you learn: Using negation in a more complex way and encouraging/motivating others. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Her style blends R&B with mainstream Pop. Sign me up! Most people think of France as the center of the French music scene, but that’s only a piece of the pie! Robitaille is another great artist for pulling out some song madlibs in French. This song is a French standard covered by many jazz musicians that include Louis Armstrong, Angèle Durand, Eartha Kitt, and Barbara Streisand. At least at the beginning, this is the way to go because the older singers will usually sing songs with lyrics in grammatically correct French. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. The song is also somewhat repetitive and simple in its structure, making it easier for intermediate learners. What you learn: Vocabulary related to sleep.
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