linux command line tutorial
A command’s position in the list is not representative of its usefulness or simplicity. Unfortunately, due to quirks of history and human nature, options can take different forms in different commands. The asterisk * wild card allows you to match instances of a character. For instructions targeting Ubuntu, a common appearance of sudo is to install new software onto your system using the apt or apt-get commands. Let’s look at another command, echo: Yes, echo just prints its arguments back out again (hence the name). Surely that can’t be right? If you’re using Ubuntu the root account is disabled by default, so su with no parameters won’t work. You can use the terminal to accomplish tasks like moving files or navigating a directory, without the use of a GUI. There are lots of different ways to install software on Linux systems. But suppose we want to create a directory with a space in the name? You could use ls to list all these files by adding a wild card. A free, bi-monthly email with a roundup of Educative's top articles and coding tips. This process of piping one command into another is so commonly used that the character itself is often referred to as the pipe character, so if you see that term you now know it just means the vertical bar. For this reason you’ll see it used quite often in command lines. Let’s move it back to the working directory. Instead it deletes them totally, utterly and irrevocably. Realize the differences between soft and hard links. root is also the name that has been used for the superuser since the early days of Unix. The command keeps running until you stop it with CTRL+C. To understand why, we need to look at the documentation for the uniq command. Shell scripting is an open-source program designed to run on Linux. Since text is light on resources, users could interact quickly and efficiently. With these key concepts you should be able to make more sense of any command line instructions you come across. If you don’t know how to use them, you’ll never be able to use more complex commands. After the installation, you need to update the search database. We will list all the files and directories in Donuts, and have the result redirected to output.txt. When you consider both case sensitivity and escaping, a good rule of thumb is to keep your file names all lower case, with only letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens. Though this is the default shortcut, you have the option of changing it. The original Unix shell program was just called sh, but it has been extended and superceded over the years, so on a modern Linux system you’re most likely to be using a shell called bash. If anyone asks you to use su, be wary. Let’s create another one, that uses variables. If you can’t find it, use the next method. Telnet is a command-line tool used to connect remote host manly to test application ports connectivity. 35 Linux Basic Commands Every User Should Know (Cheat Sheet) © 2021 Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu and Canonical are Learn the command line and discover the power of this simple, yet essential master file system to increase your productivity as a developer. This section will cover how to open the Linux terminal using two methods. Linux has many methods for creating files, some of them include: To create a new file using the touch command, run touch, followed by the name of the file you want to create. If you pass more than one filename to cat it will output each of them, one after the other, as a single block of text: Where you want to pass multiple file names to a single command, there are some useful shortcuts that can save you a lot of typing if the files have similar names. You should see a directory path printed out (probably something like /home/YOUR_USERNAME), then another copy of that odd bit of text. The user commands were wrapped in “shell” programs. Much as the mv command moves files, so the cp command copies them (again, note the space before the dot): Great! Let’s wander around the file system a little, and keep an eye on the prompt as you do so: You must be bored with just moving around the file system by now, but a good understanding of absolute and relative paths will be invaluable as we move on to create some new folders and files! You can still list its contents using ls .hidden, but as it only contains a single file which is, itself, hidden you won’t get much output. These are Debian packages, and Linux command line offers built-in commands/tools to deal with this kind of packages. Using man (manual) pages to find out about com… But the vast majority of shell commands are lower case, so you would end up frequently having to turn it on and off as you type. To make absolutely certain that you don’t accidentally delete anything in your home folder, use the pwd command to double-check that you’re still in the /tmp/tutorial directory before proceeding. It’s fortunate for us that the Linux command line includes some powerful tools for manipulating text content, and ways to join those tools together to create something more capable still. Esc + n-key → Fn (i.e., Esc + 1 → F1, etc. Don’t worry, nobody’s breaking out of prison; escaping is a computing term that refers to using special codes to tell the computer to treat particular characters differently to normal. Well, let me tell you a story. In this next section we’re going to start deleting files and folders. Why do you need to learn the command line anyway? Unix systems are case-sensitive, that is, they consider “A.txt” and “a.txt” to be two different files. You will use the command: To verify if the directory was created, use ls. Again, if you see mention of “command line”, including in the title of this very tutorial, it’s just another way of talking about a shell running in a terminal. Consider trying to cd into the “etc” folder. With that in mind, here’s the command to get rid of that pesky folder_6 and the subdirectory within it: Remember: although rm -r is quick and convenient, it’s also dangerous. Let’s get started on our first script. You can also create multiple directories using mkdir, use: Do not add any spaces between the names as doing so will include space in the names of the created directories. You can switch back to your previous directory using: Your parent directory is the directory immediately above the current one. Windows, for example, is case-insensitive, so it would treat all three of the file names above as being a single file, potentially causing data loss or other problems. For now you only have to know that the word “root” has multiple meanings in the Linux world, so context is important. A long chain of commands might look intimidating at first, but remember that you can break even the longest chain down into individual commands (and look at their man pages) to get a better understanding of what it’s doing. You’ll learn all the intricacies of advanced BASH scripting. If you’re coming from a Windows background you’re probably used to each drive having its own letter, with your main hard drive typically being “C:”. Later we’ll install a useful tool to visualise the structure, but you’ve already got enough knowledge to confirm it: The “-p” that we used is called an option or a switch (in this case it means “create the parent directories, too”). Your very first shell script! To navigate to your parent directory, use: Creating files and folders is quite easy with Linux. The output is automatically piped through your pager, which will typically be less, so you can move back and forth through the output, then press q when you’re finished: Because this type of documentation is accessed via the man command, you’ll hear it referred to as a “man page”, as in “check the man page for more details”. The wc (word count) command can tell us that, using the -l switch to tell it we only want the line count (it can also do character counts and, as the name suggests, word counts): Similarly, if you wanted to know how many files and folders are in your home directory, and then tidy up after yourself, you could do this: That method works, but creating a temporary file to hold the output from ls only to delete it two lines later seems a little excessive. Most Linux command line tools include a man page. Zed Shaw’s Command Line Crash Course. The first line is a directive, which means that whatever follows should be interpreted by the Bourne shell. Let’s start with a simple question. It may look intimidating at first, but once you get used to it, it is easy to use. For example, a software publisher’s site might ask you to download a file and change its permissions, then use sudo to run it. When you launch the terminal, you are in the home directory of your user. You can either use the logout command, or the Ctrl-D keyboard shortcut. Let’s look at how you can use > to redirect output to a new file. You shouldn’t usually need to deal with hidden files, but occasionally instructions might require you to cd into .config, or edit some file whose name starts with a dot. Unless you know exactly what the file is doing, you’re opening up a hole through which malware could potentially be installed onto your system. Educative’s text-based courses are easy to skim and feature live coding environments, making learning quick and efficient. But all we want is a line count, so we need to use wc as well. The best way to learn the Linux command line is as a series of small, easy to manage steps. sudo may only run one command at a time, but that command could itself run many others. Again, it’s a small safety net to prevent you from accidentally deleting a folder full of files when you didn’t mean to. These terminals were very basic, as they could only send keystrokes and display data on the screen. I won't mention that this legacy operating … So we need to cat the file out and pipe it through uniq. Instead it expects its first parameter to be an instruction to perform (install), with the rest of the parameters varying based on the instruction. This command lists all the file names ending with donut.txt. Now let’s see how we can use it to create one. Usually this will add new software to the machine, but packages could be any collection of files that need to be installed to particular locations, such as fonts or desktop images. Yet still text prevails as a means to organise and categorise files. So if we wanted to go straight from our home directory to the “etc” directory (which is directly inside the root of the file system), we could use this approach: Most of the examples we’ve looked at so far use relative paths. Learn to appreciate the power of the Linux command line. As for our recently installed tree command, that works in a similar way (except without an appearance by . Beware: although the “/” directory is sometimes referred to as the root directory, the word “root” has another meaning. It’s only polite to leave your computer in the same state that we found it in, so as a final step, let’s remove the experimental area that we were using earlier, then double-check that it’s actually gone: As a last step, let’s close the terminal. If you’re at all uncertain use the -i (interactive) option to rm, which will prompt you to confirm the deletion of each file; enter Y to delete it, N to keep it, and press Ctrl-C to stop the operation entirely. It takes you to the manual where you can view the description and all the options for a command. Linux, at … This tutorial is about going step-by-step to get you, the Linux user, proficient at the command-line. Click OK. Click Restart Now to Reboot your Computer. Today’s computers and phones have the sort of graphical and audio capabilities that our 70s terminal users couldn’t even begin to imagine. There are a lot of other Linux commands out there that you may need. During the formative years of the computer industry, one of the early operating systems was called Unix. Its core part is designed to behave similarly to a Unix system. Bash command line, Linux based system: Other: Any utility which is not included in the Bash shell by default can be installed using sudo apt-get install utility-name (or yum install for RedHat based systems) Conventions # - requires linux-commands to be executed with root privileges either directly as a root user or by use of sudo command Fortunately the command line doesn’t limit you to a single pipe at a time, so we can continue to chain as many commands as we need: That line probably resulted in a count that’s pretty close to the total number of lines in the file, if not exactly the same. But you can use the -a (show all) switch to ls to make it show everything in a directory, including the hidden files and folders: Notice that the shortcuts we used earlier, . These are commonly used on Linux systems to store settings and configuration data, and are typically hidden simply so that they don’t clutter the view of your own files. If you think back to the slow network connections of our 1970s terminals, those early programmers decided that if everything went okay they may as well save a few precious bytes of data transfer by not saying anything at all. The Linux command line, also called a terminal, shell, or console, is a text interface for your computer.With this computer program, you can interpret commands and write your own scripts. command Bash Shortcuts CTRL-c Stop current command CTRL-z Sleep program CTRL-a Go to start of line CTRL-e Go to end of line CTRL-u Cut from start of line CTRL-k Cut to end of line CTRL-r Search history!! This course is for anyone interested in understanding the BASH shell. This guideline may seem restrictive, but if you end up using the command line with any frequency you’ll be glad you stuck to this pattern. syntax: $ pwd. The find command searches through your disk for the files. Better to disable the root account entirely and then, instead of allowing long-lived terminal sessions with dangerous powers, require the user to specifically request superuser rights on a per-command basis. Pipe the output through wc -l to give you a clearer idea of how many hidden files and folders have been right under your nose all this time. This article uses Ubuntu 20.04, the commands should work with most distributions. This usually looks something like “/home/username”. Often referred to as the shell, terminal, console, prompt or various other names, it can give the appearance of being complex and confusing to use. We can finally complete our task of counting the unique lines in the file: As you can see, the ability to pipe data from one command to another, building up long chains to manipulate your data, is a powerful tool, as well as reducing the need for temporary files, and saving you a lot of typing. Go to Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts. These commands are used to copy files from one system to another system 87. scp. That’s not because it’s been left untouched, but because the shell clears out all the content of the file before it writes the output of your cat command into it. ; Use expression -name to search for a file name.For example: find / -name *.mp3 searches the entire … When you’ve finished viewing your file, press q to quit less and return to the command line. Click the window to ensure your keystrokes go there. After find, use a shortcut to specify the directory: "." In this case you just specify two arguments: the file you want to rename, and the new name you wish to use. A quick check of man sort shows that we can pass a file name directly to the command, so let’s see what it does to our file: You should be able to see that the lines have been reordered, and it’s now suitable for piping straight into uniq. We then use cat to view the contents of jelly_donut.txt. File Transfer Related Linux Commands. Have you noticed it changing as you move around the file system? Zed Shaw, author of a series of programming books, always includes a Command Line Crash Course to help new programmers get moving quickly. As for those super powers: root can modify or delete any file in any directory on the system, regardless of who owns them; root can rewrite firewall rules or start network services that could potentially open the machine up to an attack; root can shutdown the machine even if other people are still using it. If the instructions require you to first add a new software repository to your system, using the apt-add-repository command, by editing files in /etc/apt, or by using a “PPA” (Personal Package Archive), you should be careful as these sources are not curated by Canonical. Use this with cp (1) and mv (1) commands together with command-line editing. One such tool is dpkg , which we will discuss here in this tutorial. In this segment, we’ve brought together a list of useful Linux commands into a convenient guide for you to follow with examples. Many manuals Give it a try to see what happens, but to avoid typing the commands again you can use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to move back and forth through the history of commands you’ve used. Press the Up Arrow a couple of times to get to the first cat and press Enter to run it, then do the same again to get to the second. This tutorial won't focus on these as I reckon you can probably figure that part out by yourself. These are sometimes referred to as “wildcard” characters. A question mark ("?") Press CTRL+ALT+T to instantly open the terminal. In the tutorial series, we will focus on the CLI aka the Terminal; You can launch the terminal from the dashboard or use the shortcut key Cntrl + Alt + T; The pwd command gives the present working directory. We talked about wild cards before. for nested folders; "/" for the entire file system; "~" for the active user's home directory. Its distros come in GUI (graphical user interface), but basically, Linux has a CLI (command line … What’s more important is that you’ve learnt the key aspects of working with the shell. In that respect su was only a small step forward for security. The odd text you see on the terminal is called prompt. But some options can reduce the security level so, if you’re asked to run snap install with any parameters other than the name of the snap, it’s worth checking exactly what the command is trying to do. Let’s give it a go: You probably didn’t even need to type that one in to guess what would happen: two new folders, one called another and the other called folder. Think of it as the counterpoint to mkdir -p. So if you were to run rmdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3 it would first delete dir3, then dir2, then finally delete dir1. By wrapping the user’s commands this “shell” program, as it was known, could provide common capabilities to any of them, such as the ability to pass data from one command straight into another, or to use special wildcard characters to work with lots of similarly named files at once. To manage your files, you can use either the GUI(File manager) or the CLI(Terminal) in Linux. Typing PWD instead of pwd will produce an error, but sometimes the wrong case can result in a command appearing to run, but not doing what you expected. First things first, what is a shell? Linux provides a CLI (Command Line Interface) to communicate with the OS. It’s also available as a printed volume, should you find yourself caught by the command line bug and wanting a paper reference. With this computer program, you can interpret commands and write your own scripts. To view any hidden files, add –a to the command. The ping command is used to check the status of your connection with a server. Whether it’s the file name itself, GPS coordintates embedded in photos you take on your phone, or the metadata stored in an audio file, text still plays a vital role in every aspect of computing. Ctrl-Enter or Alt-Enter copies a filename to the command line. Now that you have seen the terminal, let’s try out a few basic commands. Users connected to it remotely through terminals. This tutorial is organised as such, with each section building upon the knowledge and skills learned in the previous sections. Options are used to modify the way in which a command operates, allowing a single command to behave in a variety of different ways. Accessing command history and editing facilities 5. As you might have guessed, this capability also means that you need to escape file names with ? That text is there to tell you the computer is ready to accept a command, it’s the computer’s way of prompting you. On a Ubuntu system the first user created when the system is installed is considered to be the superuser. If you are using other versions of Linux, the terminal will usually be located at the same place as other application launchers. Invoking commands in the path and outside the path 6. It’s as though you’ve connected a pipe between one command’s output and the next command’s input, so much so that this process is actually referred to as piping the data from one command to another. Please review our Privacy Policy to learn more. Now let’s create another copy of the file, in our working directory but with a different name. Where those instructions require changes to your machine that go beyond modifying a few files in your home directory, you’ll inevitably be faced with commands that need to be run as the machine’s administrator (or superuser in Unix parlance). Good naming practice Using the tilde character ("~") at the start of your path similarly means “starting from my home directory”. Users could even write simple code (called “shell scripts”) which could be used to automate long series of shell commands in order to make complex tasks easier. If grep finds those characters, it prints the line. When adding a new user there is an option to create them as an administrator, in which case they will also be able to run superuser commands with sudo. Linux Shell or “Terminal” So, basically, a shell is a program that receives commands from the user and gives it to the OS to process, and it shows the output. We assume you have little or no prior knowledge. Some commands can output a lot of text, others will operate silently and won’t output anything at all. Commands are the instructions you give to your computer to do something. About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Now that we have seen a few simple Linux Commands and also how to work with the terminal, let us proceed with a set of few Basic Linux Commands. Any other parameters will be passed directly to the new command. Make sure you change both appearances of the number in each of these lines. Over time, it has become the default shell for Linux systems. Defining, modifying, referencing, and exporting environment variables 4. We can use the cp command again, but instead of giving it a directory path as the last argument, we’ll give it a new file name instead: That’s good, but perhaps the choice of backup name could be better. You can change the working directory using the cd command, an abbreviation for ‘change directory’. In this case, however, we do mean to. You can think of it as saying “switch to the root directory, then follow the route from there”. All it does is print out the shell’s current working directory. Read and execute would be 4+0+1=54+0+1=54+0+1=5, and just read would be 4+0+0=44+0+0=44+0+0=4. Let’s install a new command line program from the standard Ubuntu repositories to illustrate this use of sudo: Once you’ve provided your password the apt program will print out quite a few lines of text to tell you what it’s doing. Every task the users performed was through this textual interface. To view output.txt, we can print its content to the terminal using: We looked at how the cat command can be used to read files. The command is: You print out the line numbers along with the matching string by adding –n to the command: Note: Grep is case-sensitive, so glazed and Glazed are not the same. Enter the following commands to try out different ways to create folders with spaces in the name: Although the command line can be used to work with files and folders with spaces in their names, the need to escape them with quote marks or backslashes makes things a little more difficult. Our command to move the file back into the working directory therefore becomes this (note the space before the dot, there are two parameters being passed to mv): The mv command also lets us move more than one file at a time. The second thing to understand is that when you run a command any output it produces will usually be printed directly in the terminal, then you’ll be shown another prompt once it’s finished. Don’t use the root account This is among other Linux commands you will use to create new files, view file contents in the terminal, and redirect output to another command-line tool or file. You can also rename files using this command. But these days it’s far more common to use a software terminal: that same old Unix-style text interface, but running in a window alongside your graphical programs. So the absolute path for Documents will be /home/Maryam/Documents, whereas the relative path will be Documents. We covered some basic commands in the previous sections. On a Ubuntu system it shows your username, your computer’s network name and the current working directory. The Linux terminal gives you an interface where you can input commands and see the result printed as text. The traditional Unix command line handles a rename as though you’re moving the file from one name to another, so our old friend mv is the command to use. In the same way that two dots (..) represents the parent directory, so a single dot (.) First is that when you type a command it appears on the same line as the odd text. This also works on directories, giving us a way to sort out those difficult ones with spaces in the name that we created earlier.
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