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We need to make clear that the disconnect between the stock market and small businesses is real. China’s central bank bolsters antitrust to warn big fintech firms Zhai Wei, executive director of the Competition Law Research Centre at East China University of Political Science and Law in Shanghai, said it was “a landmark document” that showed Beijing’s intention of being more active in wielding antitrust regulatory … A siheyuan is a historical type of residence that was commonly found throughout China, most famously in Beijing and rural Shanxi.Throughout Chinese history, the siheyuan composition was the basic pattern used for residences, palaces, temples, monasteries, family businesses, and government offices.In ancient times, a spacious siheyuan … (I believe in God, his son, my personal savior, Jesus, and yes, the Holy Ghost as well). He cracked the algorithms codes used in Pennsylvania and Georgia elections that flipped many 100,000’s votes from Trump to Biden. Not to mention Sen Feinstein’s Chicom driver spy for how many years? [The wagers form the derivatives.] It is happening while we sleep. No other economy in the world innovates like the U.S.A, Trump sees this as a key advantage across all industry – including manufacturing.  The benefit of cheap overseas labor, which is considered a global market disadvantage for the U.S, is offset by utilizing innovation and energy independence.  Additionally, the wage rates in the Asian manufacturing economies have risen as their national wealth has increased. Sundance IS correct…trillions are at stake, but not QUITE the way everyone understands it. THAT IS WHY THEY ARE SO VEHEMENT. If you understand the basic elements behind the new dimension in American economics, you already understand how three decades of DC legislative and regulatory policy was structured to benefit Wall Street and not Main Street. You’ll “see” it. Both ordinary company stocks and the investment market stocks operate on the same stock exchanges. Reading once again this Maganomics 101 explanation, something jumped out at me that I don’t think had occurred to me, before. Those bets/wagers form the hedge markets and are [essentially] people trading on expectations of performance. There are financial instruments created to place each wager. Sounds to me like no Chinese citizen visiting/working in America can be trusted. Let’s start with Swallowell since he’s on the House Intel Committee. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. President Trump is reversing their failures & putting America First.🔻, — Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 7, 2020. Rent in Beijing is, on average, … Subsequently, if the actual stock doesn’t meet it’s expected P-n-L outcome (if the company actually doesn’t do well), and if the financial investment was betting against the outcome, the value of the investment actually goes up. It’s like fishing in a barrel – no challenge. Boy howdy, is this ever a good time to see something we have exposed for years.  The CTH library is filled with deep dive evidence of how this process specifically works. I just keep thinking of God and Jesus and counter my disgust with Their Glory. Getty Images … The late Congressman James A Traficant, Jr. (D) of Youngstown, Ohio had warned us time and time again about the influence China had over Washington. China has been caught, too. Graham, Chris Murphy, Toomey, Cornyn, and many, many others, including the Ska$k Ho & Biden. A lot of people didn’t think Germany of Japan would be a problem till it was too late. Legal Statement. They are innocent victims of the current crisis. Thes people dealing with and taking money from the Chinese to usurp our government should be dealt with rather harshly and quickly. But they forgot about the original covenant. How do we know that document is genuinely from the person named as its author? Nearly two decades ago, #China’s General Chi Haotian, then defense minister, reportedly gave a secret speech about clearing out #America with biological weapons to take our land. He was chastised and ridiculed by members of both parties when he gave speeches in the US House of Representatives regarding how much … Beijing has said the virus was brought to China on frozen food packaging, a claim virus experts have dismissed as extremely unlikely. Looks like I am in. At least China knows it, if not others. The September issue of Hillsdale College’s Imprimis newsletter has an article by Brian T. Kennedy who is an expert on China. Biden gets in were done! CTH objective is to continue pointing focus toward the larger horizon, and then at specific inflection points to dive into the topic and explain how each moment is connected to the larger strategy. I do trust Gordon Chang’s knowledge on China matters. Watch the movies “a simple plan”, or Fargo, probably may others,…. Frankly, “been there, done that” myself. By issuing non-stop debt. Break it down by verse. Never, after the fact, recognised you treated someone badly, because AT THE TIME, you rationalised your behavior as justified? Have you NEVER done anything in your life, you later regretted? Sundance has very effectively taught Treepers the two-faced outward demeanor of Communist China: Panda mask and Dragon face. The People’s Republic of China is the world’s most populous country, with a population of around 1.4billion. A colleague of mine teaches Chinese students, all exceptionally able and engaged. They couldn’t afford it again in 2020, so they cheated. Policy failures of this group, led to the top 330,000 Americans becoming wealthier than the bottom 300,000,000 Americans. ♦Ford Motor Company (only chosen as a commonly known entity) has a stock valuation based on their actual company performance in the market of manufacturing and consumer purchasing of their product. MAD Architects unveils the completed Harbin Opera House, located in the Northern Chinese city of Harbin. America has been for sale for some time, open your eyes. Man… The smirk on this guy’s face in the still before hitting play… so cavalier and assured of his position. The root cause of the devaluation is unaddressed in the Wall Street/Globalist argument. The company performance and the investment bets on the outcome of that performance are two entirely different aspects of the stock market. 1 verse at a time. Read Ezekial: Chapter 1, Chapter 10, and Chapter 37. This morning I could not get any response when I selected “reply”. It is from 2005 and is a pretty long read. ♦ When U.S. banks were allowed to merge their investment divisions with their commercial banking operations (the removal of Glass Stegal) something changed on Wall Street. How do we know it truly represents CCP thinking and strategy. More money into the U.S Treasury and less dependence on welfare programs have a combined exponential impact. Now both her and her hubby are immensely wealthy. Not to be critical, but to ask the question, is a form of denial. This is part of the fight. The outcome of the bets forms the basis for the tenuous investment markets. It has been treason from the outset, IMHO. “…wake up sleeper, open your eyes…”. ♦ Proof “America-First” has disconnected Main Street from Wall Street – HERE. Financial products were developed (as investment instruments) that are essentially wagers or bets on the outcomes of actual companies traded on Wall Street. ♦Understanding the disconnect between an actual company on the stock market, and the bets for and against that company stock, helps to understand what can happen when monetary policy and trade policy is geared toward helping the underlying company (Main Street MAGAnomics), and not toward the bets therein (Wall St – Investment). The important part to understand is that the investment funds are not necessarily attached to the original company stock, they are now attached to the outcome of bet(s). Legal Statement. The EU and China are trying to retain their global manufacturing position and offset the impact of President Trump’s tariffs by lowering the end value of their exports. Biden has many balls to keep in the air – Covid-19, the economy, the 2022 midterm congressional elections, his 2024 re-election – and it will be all too easy to fail. There are so many dems involved with the CCP it’s not even worth spending the time to look into right now. Read it. Actually you should read it. investing in foreign manufacturing; multinational corporations moved manufacturing outside the U.S. and into Asia (China). Rag Tag Bunch of Conservative Misfits – Contact Info: President-Elect TwoLaine (NOT the Felon Biden), Arrogant and Petulant Judge Sullivan Finally Dismisses Flynn Case as Moot, It’s Over, creating a Parallel Banking System – HERE, assembling and delivering a new banking system,, February 4th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day #16, House Republicans Vote to Keep Liz Cheney in Leadership Position, Parler CEO John Matze Says He Was Fired by Mercer and Bongino Wing of Company, Leftists Move to Alinsky Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene For Thought Crimes Against Totalitarian State Interests. The White House says Washington is being patient as it seeks a "new approach" toward relations with China at a time when the two countries remain in serious "strategic competition." China National Petroleum Corporation and subsidiary PetroChina share one headquarters facility just inside the district at the Chaoyangmen intersection along the 2nd Ring Road. Now it looks like they’ll be able to buy up the entire City of LA in less than a year from now. Hence an inherent disconnect is created. ♦ How President Trump Disrupted the Scheme – HERE As the GDP of the U.S. expands, we stop thinking about how to best divide a limited economic pie, and begin thinking about how many more economic pies we can create. hence, globalist investing…. Wealth – HERE Individual actions must be judged individually, but IMHO any politicians who have accepted donations or grants that come from CCP-connected entities have no excuse and should be investigated for potential malfeasance in office at the very minimum. Latest News House GOP Calls on UPenn to Turn Over Records on Biden Center and China Funding. My life’s experiences have taught me that ” … someone who has yielded (to) temptation, and say, stole something, got caught and learned from the experience ….” … that lesson was in how to not get caught the next time. We haven’t taken up arms against these enemies. Swallwell will spread his legs for anyone. Conversely, there are now classes of companies on the U.S. stock exchange that never make a dime in profit, yet the value of the company increases. So, we’re all liars and thieves at heart? President Trump and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin have already begun assembling and delivering a new banking system. However, there can be thousands of financial instruments wagering on the actual outcome of their performance, both domestically and internationally. That smug godless Chicom commie makes me want to puke. They live like kings. Damn George Soros and those who aim to destroy this country, its’ Constitutiion, and our Capitalist system of economics. Air Koryo has an office in the Swissôtel Beijing in Dongcheng District. Trump has a good plan. When Wall Street began purchasing the legislative influence, the outcomes therein became beneficial to Wall Street. (Examples include Tesla Motors, Uber and Amazon, and a host of internet stocks.) During the mid-1980s, the wealth of the bottom 90% began a nearly 4 decade downtrend. I know this is going to sound strange, but it’s true. This is what has happened. God sees this, too. But the underlying valuation is tied to entirely different metrics. break the story today: Of course her concern for the Chinese students on campus is absolutely praiseworthy. Trump’s trade goal is reciprocity; free and fair trade.  However, the EU and Asia, specifically China, don’t want to give up a decades-long multi-generational advantage. Nonetheless, the transcript is extremely sobering and ought to awaken anyone who reads it out of any slumber they were in regarding China’s aspirations of world domination and their view of how to eradicate the United States in order to expand their population and culture. [Hence two metrics.]. And it helps when Obama gives you all the OPM personnel files…. To date, Beijing has been very successful with its intimidation and salami-slicing tactics in the region, which have met little pushback, but little that has effectively reversed China’s gains. It is believable but up until recently I believed the FBI and DOJ were generally working to defend Americans and the Constitution. A single person estimated monthly costs are 642.23$ (4,147.84¥) without rent. Everyone should read it. They want to cut us off from God by outlawing the Bible, calling it racist, and thereby subjecting it to “cancel culture”. There are multiple simultaneous aspects to each policy objective; they have been outlined for a long time even before the election victory in November ’16. I predict that we are going ot see some justice, the likes of which, nobody will believe until they see it. But it doesn’t stop there, it goes on and on and on…. Republicans hit the White House’s plan to shell out $200 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) by the end of the month, arguing the organization should first take steps to commit to greater transparency. The third highest variable cost of goods beyond raw materials first, labor second, is energy.  By unleashing the energy sector -fully developed- the manufacturing price of any given product will allow for global trade competition even with higher U.S. wage prices. We need to play Cowboys vs chinamen, for keeps. If we take the time to understand what happened we can understand why the Stock Market grew and what risks exist today as U.S. policy is reversed to benefit Main Street. Then we could move on to Pelosi & Feinstein’s husbands. On the surface, from the human perspective, yes, trillions are at stake. CTH member since time began. As a result, President Trump had to fight adverse economic opponents on multiple fronts…. The Biden administration has to confront China "head-on" the same way the previous administration did, former Trump Administration Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday. President Trump was engaged in a massive and multidimensional effort to re-balance the entire global trade and wealth dynamic. Listening to Wake Up Sleeper by Austin French I am sure they know. Instead of attempting to put Glass-Stegal regulations back into massive banking systems, the Trump administration began supporting a parallel, smaller financial system, of less-regulated small commercial banks, credit unions and traditional lenders who can operate to the benefit of Main Street without the burdensome regulation of the mega-banks and multinationals. Market data provided by Factset. Prominent Hong Kong democracy advocate and newspaper publisher Jimmy Lai was again denied bail on Thursday ahead of his April trial on charges of colluding with foreign forces. Especially Wray who has made millions of the same communist money table as Hunter. Behind the scenes, it has everything to do with the Uniparty attempt to use the power of God (extra-terrestrial technology: THEY’RE ADMITTING IT IN THE PRESS), to further “enslave” us by outlawing God and His worship, outlawing the Bible and it’s possession (see Scotland for recent example in 2020), and ruling Earth AS GOD. They’ve been working for them. Your reply made me smile and chuckle. President Trump’s MAGAnomic and foreign policy agenda is jaw-dropping in scale, scope and consequence. It is made up not merely of intelligence operatives working for the Ministry of State Security, but also a myriad of business and industry officials. that they now regard as Chinese spies (not all were ethnic Chinese). As the U.S. economy expands; and as blue-collar manufacturing returns; the demand for labor increases, and as a consequence so too does the U.S. wage rate (2019 +3.4%) which was stagnant (or non-existent) for the past three decades.  Total compensation for U.S. workers was growing in 2019 at a fantastic +5.5 percent rate. ©2021 FOX News Network, LLC. And that’s just one agency. Yes, but also the cost of energy has become FAR more stable over the past few years. I have a “clean” copy with illegal images removed. As far as this new website, just want to comment that (1) the graphics for commenters’ avatars are broken; (2) Names/monikers of the commenters are squished up into the first line and are “doubled” (hard to explain); and the “like: function is not there. If you ARE that rare individual, you are a candidate for sainthood, if not you are, in fact, engaging in this very “denial” behavior, yet again. Reading the Axios article tonight about Fang Fang, you can see exactly how the CCP has infested the U.S. between someone working on politicians’ egos & the money games the CCP plays with political families, the universities & Big Tech/Big Corporations. The Cyberspace Administration of China will require bloggers and influencers to have a government-approved credential before they can publish on a wide range of subjects. I just got done. Thanks for the warning not to click on it. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Carefully. Just FYI. The jist of it is, what China plans for the US and our people in their own words. In my 20 years of voting, Trump was the only one that ever mentioned bringing manufacturing back to the states. Unfortunately, anyone with a bag of money can control a D.C. politician. They want the “power” of God, without the wisdom or understanding . "We will stand with friends, partners and allies to advance our shared prosperity, security and values in the Indo-Pacific region," he added. However, over time investment instruments -which are secondary to actual company results- created a sub-set within Wall Street that detached from actual bottom line company results. Ezekiel 1 tells us how we’ll recognize God today. For decades most Americans have been unaware of this and didn’t realize China’s treachery until President Trump highlighted the Chinese threat as part of his 2016 and ongoing platform of policies. What’s next? EXCLUSIVE: Republican Rep. Mike Waltz on Monday introduced a resolution urging the U.S. to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing if they are not moved, saying the U.S. "cannot in good conscience" have American athletes celebrating an event hosted by "a brutal dictatorship" and warning that China's Communist Party would be "emboldened by the legitimacy conferred by the Olympics.". The stock market only reflects the performance of the largest businesses, who increase their market share every time another small business closes. That financial and economic risk is the basic reason behind Trump and Mnuchin putting a protective, secondary and parallel, banking system in place for Main Street. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. It’s probably quicker to figure out WHO hasn’t taken money or shares in a shell company involving the CCP than who is. Since we learned in the 70s, 80s, and 90s how OPEC and Middle East conflict could easily cause significant spikes and drops in fuel costs that rippled across our entire economy, we really need to better appreciate the stability that has accompanied the modest costs as well. However, a second more consequential aspect happened simultaneously. WE have “perpetual energy” capability. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he will "call" during Friday’s virtual G-7 summit of leaders, including President Biden, for the international community to "get to the bottom" of exactly how COVID-19 originated. In essence, the globalist IMF is now blaming President Trump for having a strong economy that forces international competition to devalue their currency. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. President Biden faced swift criticism Tuesday night for remarks on how he plans to approach human rights abuses in China.
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