glowlight tetra vs neon tetra
However, they can suffer from all of the common health issues that impact freshwater fish.. And if you just want to say hi, that’s fine too! There are many different types of aquarium catfish out there. Instead, they may try to eat them. If you'd like to keep neons but you're experiencing an issue with high pH, I'd recommend adding some driftwood to your tank. It’s important to create a separate breedings tank before you get started. Stay on top of water conditions and test the environment regularly. Glowlight tetra care is something that pretty much anyone can handle. Thanks to their docile nature, these fish can coexist with most species. The glowlight tetra is endemic to the rivers of Guyana in South America. frequently faculties of 5 to 11 fish. Of course I … glowlight tetra chasing each other. They will eat just about anything. You want to make the tank lush with vegetation! One cool thing about this stripe is that it even crosses through the eye. These decorative items provide some enrichment while also giving these fish places to hide. checked all levels are normal. This guide goes over the glowlight tetra care in complete detail. What can I do ? When she's not writing about fish you can find her hiking, swimming, and doing yoga. We always enjoy it when small fish like this are also colorful (especially when they’re a shoaling species). They’re colorful, active, easy to care for, and fun to watch! When they are free-swimming, provide infusoria and finely-crushed flake food. The typical size of a glowlight tetra is around 1.5 inches in length when fully grown. Neon Tetra In several ways, the Neon Tetra is different than the Cardinal Tetra, but they both have the similar appearance. Glowlight Tetra. It’s best to stick with a standard diet of micropellets or small flakes. However, we recommend increasing that tank size up to 20 gallons or more if possible. This is one of the main reasons why they’re such a popular species for owners who enjoy observing their fish. Since you already have zebra danios(They are coldwater fish buy can do fine in a tropical tank) I would just go with hardy small coldwater Once your tank is well established, whith a good stabel ph and it is cycled, add some rummynose tetras. The Glowlight Tetra is a translucent peach color with a horizontal red/gold stripe from the eye to the tail. Once your ph is down, you could get both tetras! In the Neon Tetra, the red stripe starts at mid-body, roughly below the dorsal fin, and extends to the tail. Glowlight tetras need an acidic pH, just like the neons, so it'll be the same gamble if you go with them over the neons. How can fish eat underwater without swallowing water and choking? Next up on the list of tetras you should consider adding to your betta tank … Similar size and shape, however, do not always play a combining role within different species of tetras. I also have a piece of driftwood (large) & it didn't do anything either. Fill it will fine-leafed plants and spawning mops. Glowlight tetras have been successfully bred in the aquarium, but the process is known to be somewhat challenging. Yesterday I went and bought 3 neon tetras from my LFS. It takes on a silvery base color that you can see right through. You can provide the occasional high-protein snack as well. It takes on a silvery base color that you can see right through. At the very least, you should have at least six glowlight tetras (although more is always better). With regular water changes, you should have no problem keeping the habitat in good shape.
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