brick slang meaning
"Yeah I can do it, no drama mate." Australian adaptation of 'could sell refrigerators to the Eskimos'. Shindig - Party. Belt - Hit or punch. Trunks - Swimming costume - male. Bible-basher - Evangelical Christian. "Give us a break you old chook!" Windy enough to blow a blue dog off its chain - Very windy. Heave - Vomit. Tally - Keep score. Make a quid - Earn a living. Long drink of water - Tall person. Breather - Take a rest. Duds / dacks - Trousers. Shouse - Shit house Ie. Soup strainer - Moustache. Little boys - Cocktail sausages (Savs) 'Malcolm is real up-himself.' - Expression of surprise. Little beauty / little ripper - A good thing. Once over (give it the) - Check something out. Dumper - A wave that dumps surfers into the sand. Like a two-bob watch - Erratic. Shark is actually very good to eat. Usually hard yakka. Get your arse into gear - To stop relaxing and get on with work. Couldn't give a crap / shit - Couldn't care less. Hung like a Mallee bull - Man with big genitals. Old expression now and rarely used. Weed - Marijuana. Pull the other one - Statement of disbelief. - Short for 'good onya'. Perve - To ogle at someone. Clued up - Well informed. Wacker - Crazy person. I.e. Hang out - Spend time together. Up the gumtree - In trouble. Hoon - Badly behaved young person. 'The whole place has gone to the dogs.' Backchat - Talking back to someone in a rude or insolent manner. Learn more. The chump!”, 12. Lucky as a bastard on Father's Day - Unlucky. Billiard ball (as sharp as a) - Dull witted. Lofty - Tall person. Good-oh - Exclamation of satisfaction. Smashed - Drunk. Vino - Wine. No drama - Not a problem. Billabong - Waterhole. 'Let's tee up a meeting for next week.' Duffer - Fool but a popular one. Carry on like a pork chop - To be silly or express frustration or anger that is out of proportion to the problem. Get your dander up - To get angry. Whopper - Very large. Duffing - Stealing livestock. Bum Nut - Egg. Flog - To steal. "The new Nissan isn't much chop." Also a female breast. meaning bring your own grog (alcohol.) Clanger - To make a big mistake. Do Me a Solid – The slang term was used to ask a favor of someone. Beak - Magistrate or a nose. Gargle - To have a drink. Dummy (to spit the) - Lose one's temper. Originates from a non-alcoholic drink that was promoted as a substitute for spirits. – A 70’s slang term used to see if someone agreed with you or they understand you. Also B.Y.O.G. Like the clappers - Very fast. We now have chicks instead of sheilas, guys instead of blokes and a new swathe of extremely Brolly - Umbrella. No wukkin' furries - Spoonerism for 'no Fucking worries.' etc. Cheapskate - Penny pincher, tight wad, money grubber, long pockets short arms, Ie. Clean skin - Unbranded cattle or a bottle of wine with no label. Dosh - Money. Hooroo - Farewell. Tall poppy syndrome - To criticise tall poppies. French letter / Frenchy - Condom. All over him / her like a rash - Someone who can't keep their hands to themselves. Rug up - Dress in warm clothes. Aussie salute (the great) - Waving away the flies from your face. Missus - Wife. "Politicians are all lower than a snake's belly." Local bike - Promiscuous woman. Ging - A shanghai, hand held catapult. Daggy - Unfashionable. Dead to the world - Sleeping very soundly. Lights are on but nobody's home - Slow witted. Dander - Anger. In good nick - In good shape. Flat out like a lizard drinking - Working extremely hard. Slag off at - To speak contemptuously of someone or something. Codswallop - A load of nonsense. Yarn - Story. Wobbly (to chuck a) - Lose your temper. On the wallaby - travelling through the country. Short arms and deep pockets - Miser. Bobby dazzler - Something very good. Australian as a meat pie - Anything that is authentically Australian Booze-up - A party with more alcohol than food. Kindy - Kindergarden. Bail up - Used to mean to rob someone but now can mean to corner someone and engage them in unwanted conversation. Pissed as a newt / parrot / fart - Drunk. Knocked up - Pregnant. Hump a bluey or swag - Old term for carrying a swag. (Or vegetarians). Snowdropper - Someone who steals women's underclothes from a washing line. Buggery - A mythical place that you tell someone to go to (rude). Humping - Sexual intercourse. Choof off - To leave. Bum fluff - Adolescent's first facial hair. Bow wow - Usually a sound made by one of a group of males when an ugly woman walks by. Pong - Bad smell.
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